A Celtic Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back,
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
may the rains fall soft upon your fields.
Until we meet again,
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Saturday, 13 September 2008

And now, the end is nigh...

Dad is in hospital.

He was taken in last week. All mum could tell me is that he had 'something nasty' inside. It turns out that he has a bad infection, but they will not operate because he is so frail. He is on antibiotics and a drip, ands spends most of his time asleep. The latest reports from the hospital is that he poorly but comfortable.

My brother went to see him. He was lying there - almost lifeless. He does not respond and does not know anyone. Mum said it was lamost like he has given up.

I am on standby for a phone-call. I will be over there as soon as it comes. I asked if mum wanted me to go voer there, she said no. I don't think I can face seeing him. He would not know me - he does not know his wife. I don;t want to see him lying there bewteen life and death. He used to be such a dynamic person - taking life and making it fit around him. I was never close to him but I admired him so much. And to see him so helpless - I just could not face it.

This is incoherent rambling - sorry. I will delete it if you like.


jAMiE said...

Oh don't delete it...i'm so sorry to hear about your father. It sounds as if they are keeping him comfortable, which is good. I know this is a tough time for you, i wish i knew the right things to say, i'm sorry i don't. I will pray for you and your father and mother.

Canadian flake said...

I am so very sorry to hear that your father is suffering. I will pray for you all. i haven't been blogging for quite awhile...I will stop back in again soon to see how things are going. Please stop by my blog or email if there is anything at all I can do...

Prayers sent to you from Canada

Unknown said...

No need to delete it. You are not incoherant either. It is a hard time in ones life. Share and don't feel regret.
You and your family are in my prayers. A big hug to my friend.