A Celtic Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back,
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
may the rains fall soft upon your fields.
Until we meet again,
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Saturday, 24 November 2007

The gasman cometh

Oh boy - what a palaver! Why do tradesmen make things so complicated? Let me explain...

I have just received my gas-bill. It was an estimate that was wayyyyy over the top, so I went to get a reading to correct it. Whjile I was down on my knees reading the meter, I thought "hang on, there is a smell of gas here". It wasn't strong, so I thought I would tell them while I was on the phone correcting the meter reading, and then arrange a time for them to come out and look at it. I knew it had built up over a week so it could not be a serious problem.

Talk about opening a can of worms! No sooner had I mentioned a leak when I was told they had to be there inside an hour. As I was at work and there was noone home, this was a problem. "We need access" they insisted, even though i had pointed out that there was nobody to let them in. Then they decided they could do a "letter-box" test, where they would put the detector through the letter-box and read the quantity of gas on the other side. This was fine, apart from the fact that I have no letter-box! Eventually, they agreed to collect the keys from the store and let themselves in.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, there was a gas leak, (which was caused by the work that the Gas Board engineer had done when he changed my safety device (which is supposed to prevent gas leaks!) He also checked the fire in the old living room, and condemned it as unsafe since it had not been fitted according to the manufacturer's instructions. Again, this is slightly worrying, as it had been fitted by the Gas Board! Now I am getting very worried.

So if I am not here for a while, check the Manx news, to see if there has been a gas explosion here.


Canadian flake said...

holyyyyyyyyy crappppp...hope everything turns out to be ok....that sounds sorta scary..

good luck!!

Unknown said...

Ummm I hope with all the mistakes they have made they are paying for the repairs! and that they do it!
How scary and good that you caught the one gas leak.