A Celtic Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back,
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
may the rains fall soft upon your fields.
Until we meet again,
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

The BodyRockers*

The first 2 days of this week have been a very moving experience. On Monday morning, I moved the underwear at work (that being the department I am responsible for). On Monday afternoon I was told it was in the wrong place so I had to start moving it all back again. And then this morning, the assistant manager came and looked at it and decided it was all wrong, so it all had to be moved again! It is so disheartening to keep moving things around - it messes up the store and confuses the customers. And don't forget that while lugging this stuff around, I am 'on light duties and sitting down' (yeah right!)

With the wind and the rain, and the late finishes, it is hard to realise that we are getting into the year. I noticed when I came home on the bus on Monday that there was light in the sky for a lot longer than I had previously noticed. We are already a week in and more, and the days are getting longer. It may be a few months away but spring is coming. Of course, the other give away is that we are already getting summer clothes in. I think it is crazy - coming into the coldest and darkest part of winter and they get rid of all the thick sweaters and replace them with t-shirts and shorts - go figure that one out?

Oh well ...

* Why is this post called the BodyRockers? They had a hit song called "I Like The Way You Move"


Canadian flake said...

lol I worked retail for so long and this kind of silliness used to make me shake my head. I didn't mind rearranging things...but doing it 2 or 3 or even 4 times used to make me wanna strangle the boss..lol.

Keep up the good work.

jAMiE said...

It doesn't make sense, does it. As Flake says though, keep up the good work!

ps..i am always puzzled about them having summer stuff in the middle of winter, etc too...i guess you have to be very forward thinking...i'm not though...i still might like to shop for a nice warm sweater right now.

Unknown said...

I know what you mean on this one. We used to have to change things around and I liked it believe it or not. But we usually didn t have to do it more than the once. The one that I found harder was doing inventory! I guess it is really needed but oh the work involved!

As for the days getting longer, I have really noticed it as well. But it is February now and we still have light out there until almost 6 pm now! I love it. Can t wait to actually get to wear the summer clothes. But we are a while for that yet. It still has snow on the ground here! brrrrrrrrrr.

Joanne :-)