A Celtic Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back,
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
may the rains fall soft upon your fields.
Until we meet again,
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

A restful breakfast

Tuesday - how I enjoy them! I work alternate Saturdays, and when I do, I have the preceding Tuesday off. It is so good to be able to get all those things done that you can't do at the weekend (eg banking, contacting tradesmen, etc). The downside is that I have to work the Saturday - 8:30 in the morning to 6 at night is a long day on your feet. And then I only have one day off before I start again for another 5 days. I can't complain though, since this is what I signed up to.

Talking of tradesmen, I think it is going to be noisy here today. The gas board are laying a new gas main up the road, and I expect to hear the sound of pneumatic drills starting very soon. They have closed the road down from me, and will be working their way up. And all that just after the Highway Board had filled in some of the holes - don't these guys talk to one another?

Still on the subject opf tradesmen, can anyone recommend a good, reliable, reasonably priced builder?

1 comment:

jAMiE said...

Can't help you with the tradesman ...so i hope you find someone.

A restful breakfast sounds good..too bad you didn't have it in bed.