A Celtic Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back,
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
may the rains fall soft upon your fields.
Until we meet again,
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Thursday, 6 September 2007

4 o'clock in the morning

4 o’clock in the morning
Is the worst time to wake
Lying there;
Body half asleep,
Mind wide awake.
Watching the dawnlight seep around the blinds.

4 o’clock in the morning
Is when the fears come out;
When your will is weakest,
The future darkest,
Prospects bleakest.
Faith and hope seem so distant.
Fear sinks its claws in,
Doubt eats you away.

4 o’clock in the morning
Hides your weapons.
Leaves you naked,
Open to the monsters of fear and doubt.

4 o’clock in the morning,
At its worst,
Can last all day.


Baby Rindaree said...

I always enjoy reading what you write. You're off to a good start...keep up the good work. Love Ya! ;)

Unknown said...

Hello once again. Loved this one. Nik you really should put your writing into book form. Again, may I share these poems with my step daughter?