A Celtic Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back,
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
may the rains fall soft upon your fields.
Until we meet again,
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

If you can't say something nice...

Don't say anything. I was taught that and it seems like a good rule in life.

So why do people think that the web is different from real life? Just because it is a different and new(ish) medium, some people think that all rules are suspended. Especially in the world of blogging, where people can leave comments under a pseudonym, and feel they can say what they like and not be found out. What they forget though is that an anonymous comment can hurt just as much as a real one - sometimes more, since it can come from a stranger.

What has caused this outburst? Well Jamie who started me blogging has been receiving hurtful comments on her blog. Comments from someone she trusted. Why should anyone feel they can say something like that? And to say it in public on a blog - not even saying it one to one in private. Someone like that, who knows her circumstances, should understand that she needs support not tearing down like that.

So may I make a request? If you want to comment on this blog, feel free. However, please keep it legal, decent, truthful and honest. Thank you.

And thus endeth the rant for today


katy said...

well said, hope he keeps well away from her now

Canadian flake said...

I completely agree. I have read what is going on at Jamie's blog also and wish that guy would go away and never come back. He is a coward for sure.

Unknown said...

I am not sure where some people think they have the right to hurt or say (write) hurtful things. I hope that man has long disappeared! A blog is a personal thing and it is wonderful that there are people out there that can share it with others even strangers.
I wish I had that courage! I am sort of am always scared that some one will read what I have written and I am exposed. I for some reason, feel I can't do that.