A Celtic Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back,
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
may the rains fall soft upon your fields.
Until we meet again,
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Me and my big mouth

Will I never learn to keep my trap shut? Yet again, me eagerness to be helpful has landed me with doing more than I expected. And this is the 3rd time in 3 weeks - I need to learn!

Basically, it all came out of the shortage of staff. We had our revered leader telling us this morning that they are trying to recruit staff, but that has not filtered down to the day-to-day that we need. I was due to leave at 4:30, but our section coordinator had to go to the dentist, which left 2 people there until 6. So, step forward the Fool - "would you like me to stay?" And once again, it was accepted, proving that I am as daft as I look, if not dafter! 8 until 6 - and I even skimped on my breaks as well so that I did not keep someone after 4. The only good news is that I now have 2 short days to go until I go on holiday. I am more than ready for it!

Well as they say, there is no fool like an old fool - so no wonder I feel old!


jAMiE said...

I think it's good of you to step forward and it must certainly look good for you as far as thats concerned.

Enjoy your holiday, i'm sure it's well deserved!

Rick Rockhill said...

well you are well intentioned, and your goodness will be paid back in spades.

Canadian flake said...

I hope they are both right...when I worked in clothing stores I was the same way...all it EVER got me was sore feet...

Most often I wouldn't even get a thank you...

Hang in there.