A Celtic Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind be always at your back,
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
may the rains fall soft upon your fields.
Until we meet again,
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Thank goodness for the clouds!

Isn't it strange how you can come to appreciate the little things? And how your opinion of them can change? Normally in the summer I look for blue skies and clear nights to see the stars. This morning I am so grateful for the clouds that hid the moon from me so i wasn't woken at 5am as I have been for the last few days.

And here we are on my 8th straight day in work. 2 more to go - and tomorrow is a slightly shorter day (9 to 5). So it is only 14 1/2 hours left to work - not that I am counting! Yesterday I found particularly stressful. We had a massive delivery (most of it for my department) and with no manager or section coordinator, we were really short handed. By the end of the day, Iw as so worn out emotionally and physically that I had to hide in the fitting room.

And so to this morning. I have been messing around with my website, and have changed the side menu to scroll so that people with small screens can see the bottom of it. What do you mean, you didn't know I had a website? Ok, I have added it to the links on the side, but it doesn't work. Click here to go and have a look.

In the meantime, I had better go and catch my bus. Here's hoping we all have a better day! TTFN!


Canadian flake said...

Hi there...I am here to visit via jamie's blog. Hope you don't mind me stopping in.

I was reading your post about work thinking that maybe you worked in retail...then I read "I was so worn out emotionally and physically that I had to hide in the fitting room." and I knew I must be right...

Can ya tell I worked retail for more than 20 yrs?? LOL.

I will stop in again to say hi soon.

Cummal Bane said...

Yes I work in retail - for a certain well known chain store. This is a long stint, and I am ready for my weekend off (4 lovely days!) Trouble is that my plans have fallen through somewhat - oh well, I will see what I can salvage.

Hope you are enjoying the blog